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Phoenix canariensis - Canary Island Date Palm
ALL SIZES - We Ship Wholesale to Florida, Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada
Phoenix Canariensis Pineapple compared to a truck New Growth of the canary island date palm Phoenix canariensis at the Newport Beach Marriott by South Coast Growers
CALL 1-888-326-PALM (7256)    |    EMAIL quotes@southcoastwholesale.com

Date Palm Trees by South Coast Growers have been featured in many magazines and publicationsALL SIZES AVAILABLE

Phoenix canariensis
Scientific name: Phoenix canariensis
Pronunciation: fee-niks can-air-ee-en-sis
Common name: Canary Island Date Palm
Family: Arecaceae

This large, stately palm often reaches a size too massive for most residential landscapes but, fortunately, it is very slow-growing and will take a considerable amount of time to reach its 50 to 60-foot height The Canary Island Date Palm is most impressive with its single, upright, thick trunk topped with a crown of 8 to 15-foot-long, stiff leaves with extremely sharp spines at their bases. The stalks of inconspicuous flowers are replaced with clusters of one-inch-diameter, orange-yellow, date-like, ornamental fruits which ripen in early summer. The trunk can reach a diameter of four feet and is covered with an attractive, diamond-shaped pattern from old leaf scars.

Don't trust a 25,000 pound tree to just anyone...this is our specialty!

Canary Island Date Palm Canary Island Date Palm Phoenix canariensis Canary Island Date Palm Canary Island Date Palm Canary Island Date Palm

Call 1-888-326-PALM for pricing and questions or email

Looking for other large trees or palms?  South Coast Specimen Division
Butia Capitata, Chamaerops humilis, Cycas revoluta, Italian cypress, Jubaea chilensis, Phoenix canariensis, Phoenix dactylifera, Phoenix reclinata, Phoenix roebelenii, Queen Palms, Olive Trees, Washingtonia filifera, Washingtonia robusta...
and many more. Inquire Within



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