Mature Oaks by South Coast Growers
Quercus spp.
(information below was
provided by the USDA Forest Service)
Worldwide, the oaks (Quercus spp.)
consist of 275 to 500 species that can be separated into three groups
on their microanatomy: the live or evergreen oak group, the red oak
group (Erythrobalanus), and the white oak
group (Leucobalanus). Species within each group look alike
microscopically. The word quercus is the classical
Latin name of oaks, said to be derived from Celtic fine and tree.
The commercial North American species are as follows:
Red Oak Group (Erythrobalanus)
Quercus coccinea-bastard oak, black oak, buck oak, red oak, scarlet
oak, Spanish oak, spotted oak
Quercus falcata-American red oak, bottomland red oak, cherrybark
oak, Elliott oak, red oak, Spanish oak,
southern red oak, swamp red oak, swamp spanish oak, turkeyfoot oak,
water oak
Quercus kelloggii-black oak, California black oak, Kellogg oak,
mountain black oak
Quercus laurifolia-Darlington oak, diamond-leaf oak, laurel oak,
laurel-leaf oak, swamp laurel oak, water
oak, obtusa oak
Quercus nigra-American red oak, blackjack, pin oak, possum oak, punk
oak, red oak, spotted oak, water oak
Quercus nuttallii-nuttall oak, pin oak, red oak, red river oak,
striped oak
Quercus palustris-pin oak, red oak, Spanish oak, Spanish swamp oak,
Spanish water oak, swamp oak, swamp
Spanish oak, water oak
Quercus phellos-black oak, laurel oak, peach oak, pin oak, red oak,
swamp willow oak, water oak, willow oak,
willow swamp oak
Quercus rubra-American red oak, black oak, buck oak, Canadian red
oak, common red oak, gray oak, eastern
red oak, leopard oak, Maine red oak, mountain red oak, northern red oak,
red oak, Spanish oak, spotted oak,
southern red oak, swamp red oak, water oak, West Virginia soft red oak
Quercus shumardii-American red oak, Schneck oak, Schneck red oak,
shumard oak, Shumard red oak,
southern red oak, spotted bark, spotted oak, swamp red oak, Texas oak,
Texas red oak
Quercus velutina-American red oak, blackjack, black oak, dyer oak,
jack oak, quercitron, quercitron oak,
redbush, red oak, smoothbark oak, spotted oak, tanbark oak, yellowbark,
yellow oak, yellowbark oak
White Oak Group (Leucobalanus)
Quercus alba-American white oak, Arizona oak, Arizona white oak,
forked-leaf white oak, Louisiana white
oak, mantua oak, ridge white oak, stave oak, true white oak, West
Virginia soft white oak, white oak
Quercus bicolor-blue oak, cherry oak, curly swamp oak, swamp oak,
swamp white oak, white oak
Quercus garryana-Brewer oak, Garry oak, Oregon oak, Oregon white
oak, Pacific post oak, Pacific white oak,
post oak, prairie oak, shin oak, western oak, western white oak, white
Quercus lyrata-American white oak, overcup oak, swamp post oak,
swamp white oak, water white oak
Quercus macrocarpa-blue oak, bur oak, burr oak, mossycup oak, mossy-overcup
oak, overcup oak, scrub oak,
white oak, white mossycup oak, white overcup oak
Quercus michauxii-American white oak, basket oak, cow oak, swamp
oak, swamp chestnut oak
Quercus muehlenbergii-chestnut oak, chinkapin oak, chinquapin oak,
dwarf chestnut oak, dwarf chinkapin, pin oak, rock oak, rock chestnut
oak, running white oak, scrub oak, shrub oak, white oak, yellow oak,
yellow chestnut oak
Quercus prinus-American white oak, basket oak, chestnut oak,
chestnut rock oak, chestnut swamp oak, cow oak, mountain oak, rock oak,
rock chestnut, rock chestnut oak, swamp oak, tanbark oak, white oak,
white chestnut oak
Quercus stellata-American post oak, barren white oak, bastard oak,
bastard white oak, box oak, box white oak, brash oak, Delta post oak,
Durand oak, iron oak, pin oak post oak, ridge oak, rough oak, rough
white oak, southern oak, turkey oak, white box oak, white oak
Live Oak Group
Quercus virginiana-dwarf live oak, encino, live oak, rolfs oak,
scrub live oak,Virginia live oak, Virginia oak
Distribution: Widely distributed
throughout the United States.
The Tree: Oaks can reach a height of 125 ft, with large diameters.
The Wood: The sapwood of oak is white to very light brown, while the
heartwood is light to dark brown in the white oak group and reddish
brown in the red oak group. Oak wood has a course texture; it is heavy,
straight-grained, hard, tough, very stiff, and strong. Fast-grown oak,
with wide rings, is stronger and heavier than slow-grown oak. |